JACO’s Honolulu clinic is located in the most modern medical specialty building in the state!
Hale Pawa’a is in the heart of Honolulu between downtown and Waikiki, within walking distance of the busiest Honolulu Hospitals and along well served public transportation routes.
JACO’s clinic space on the 5th floor is close to 4,000 ft, including a beautiful private waiting area, a fitness floor and lockers for storing your belongings. Parking is the best in the state outside of Molokai!! Take the parking elevator to G from where you enter the main building. Parking is validated for the first hour, after that it’s just one dollar per 30 minutes. During your rehab sessions you can take advantage of the best rehab equipment and the biggest play/rehab space of any clinic in Hawaii!
- Physical Therapy
- Running Analysis
- Work Conditioning
- Pelvic Health
- Injury Prevention
Monday-Friday: 6am to 8pm
Saturday: 6:30am to 5pm
Sunday: 7:30am to 4:30pm
t: 808-381-8947
f: 1-800-586-4356
Hale Pawa‘a
1401 South Beretania Street
Suite 550
Honolulu, HI 96814
Directions: Map Link