Kapolei Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Center

Kapolei Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Center

JACO clinics are located in the most modern medical specialty buildings in the state!

Kapolei Medical Park is our newest and fourth location conveniently located in Kapolei! We are located in the Kapolei Medical Park Building, next to the Kaiser Permanente Clinic.  Parking is free and can be easily accessible by turning into the street between Jack in the Box and Texaco. Once there, make a left until you reach the end of the driveway and see the Kapolei Medical Park building.


  • Physical Therapy
  • Running Analysis
  • Work Conditioning
  • Pelvic Health
  • Injury Prevention


Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri: 7am to 7:30pm; Thurs: 7am-7pm
Saturday: 7am to 3pm; Sun: Closed
t: 808-381-8947
f: 1-800-586-4356


Kapolei Medical Park
599 Farrington Hwy Ste 206
Kapolei, HI 96707
Directions: Map Link


Contact Jaco

Call: (808)381-8947

Send An Email: scheduling@jacorehab.com